CaroneElevator Set




Hotel Carone


Version 1.5 (March 28, 2002)

The CaroneElevator is a new Mover class I made for my SP mission Hotel Carone. It's similar to the original Deus Ex ElevatorMover but with lots of new features and improvements.

Download version 1.5 (only 17 KB) and read the readme for details.

Version 1.5 has a couple new features(e.g., two sets of inner doors supported) and also fixes a bug that caused the game to freeze under certain circumstances. The new version is compatible to any existing CaroneElevator movers. All CaroneElevator's in your map will have the new features available when you've replaced the old CaroneElevatorSet.u file.

If you need help with this mini-mod go to the IRC channel #dxediting on and ask me. :)
