#dxediting statistics generated by carone

Statistics generated from Wednesday 8.11.2000 to Monday 29.5.2006
During this 2029-day reporting period a total of 1796 people visited #dxediting

1. Main page | 2. Detail stats | 3. Activity shtuff

0-6 Hours 0-6 6-12 Hours 6-12 12-18 Hours 12-18 18-24 Hours 18-24

Top 100 nicks

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 @+carone 6333564114945165222 184419 "well, cya, I guess. :)"
2 @Jim 45627296892610136524 137941 "why is it supposed to be harder?"
3 @+DerianX 43194251101728525675 111264 "carone, don't play too rough with the sheep"
4 @+J2 2847315137585428028 77492 "We had a long weekend last week, and then a week off at ..."
5 +damocles 258441380726789 67092 "http://www.bash.org/?4044"
6 @TheRenegadeMaster 1674325798149435295 62779 "but i know how to get back on"
7 +Hanh 225296611746620615 57221 "yeah, I have that phone interview with blizzard today, and ..."
8 @zenzelezz 911036961984522924 55575 "w3.org / topstyle = win"
9 @Weeemann 1937412934346814527 50303 "that i will ike though..."
10 +mouse 131639178971214118 46171 "damocles: Is DerianX a kick?"
11 +Stone 10825875925484 45841 "but hell find out in the review"
12 +deus 136154868763612654 38773 "Weeemann: i'm not following you..."
13 @Kamikaze 593531861152415698 36343 "I'd like to test it :)"
14 +CoMpUdOc 11769554035988023 28930 "FragbaitDX! The new J2!"
15 @slicer 98282053619510176 28252 "Macs have sexy designs >:)"
16 @fender2k1 1218621299788 25014 "damo is disrespecting Deus Ex!!!"
17 +Tranquilite 2952603012236 21819 "me throws sheep at DerianX"
18 @Jered 8276695413085236 21774 "WHATS FACELESS DRIVE?"
19 @|eXodus| 1096120829585684 19685 "Did you just manipulate an array or somthing?"
20 @robert 8359378320545393 19589 "they are good to throw at people..."
21 @Trestkon 1101120255388 19156 "OMR, captions fixed!"
22 +Pimp-Jojo 524941829239 18876 "Current Date/Time: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 @09:53:31pm ..."
23 @Krypt 723332307181 18578 "ok, going to get lunch"
24 @AsylumX 691147373503644 15642 "he is? curses, bastard can't even keep his word"
25 +Phoenix_ 1227200734567912 14602 "Stone: why should he avoid it?"
26 @Parallax 500924385020 12954 "that is not the case."
27 N_E_O 95083228 12808 "i guess that is how carone is always here when we say his ..."
28 @Damian 65047813675 12593 "how do you take the lag off of the moust"
29 +Despot 582927733502 12589 "AIE is no better the Netscrape, though. ;)"
30 +Solid 578137608412020 12402 "irc works but my browser will not respond"
31 @djpaul 140315726477 10911 "i only changed/edited 28 Deus Ex classes so i wont ahev ..."
32 +FragbaitDX 674915242140 10751 "I was reading the flash site introduction blip"
33 @Kamdew 116348612913 9699 "Got any e-mails from Weee?"
34 +EternalSpark 60897292701 9680 "Wiss : Nope, its not"
35 +Da_Terminator 28073935 8444 "hmm that might be some slack then"
36 +ShadowCode 40583518 8168 "http://www.alicebot.org/ down?"
37 +Jaster 31703491 7810 "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
38 +ColdPenguin 17244469540 7758 "and the mod community"
39 @Boaz 59318374461 7562 "i have 27.5 GB games now"
40 @Ghandaiah 47531537 7435 "I just had to write a page of B.S. for speech tomorrow"
41 +Hawke 6197929 7386 "Heard about Redsun2020 coming out Saturday. Just had ..."
42 +ferret 196322572285 7288 "http://www.infobot.org"
43 +Renzo 292317101235 6747 "i think i am gettin carried away here"
44 +Jez 6884760 6343 "i tried /me but it didnt work"
45 +Mr_Fish 100012083272 6190 "bugger i thought this was all too easy"
46 +Wazzit 213713772177 6137 "So Tribes 2 is starting to collect dust.... I need to get a Geforce3"
47 @hammerite 139814642605 5937 "deus, who is KaMi[AwAy]?"
48 @DarksTalkeR 14463675 5606 "woo! Halloween tomorrow!"
49 patman 241710711341 5128 "deus Patman thinks you are edible."
50 @Jherax 25865451757 4994 "like 80% in foreign language"
51 @Trystero 17272651338 4836 "His dreams of world conquest will eventually confound him."
52 +Hydra 15953046 4831 "play again l8r yeah?"
53 +_DeX_ 5672189 4643 "carone do you have winamp?"
54 @Deus_Diablo 14141107 4029 "Its not Christian stuff its just moral stuff."
55 +Monicion 14022222 3976 "OK thanks...See you later."
56 +ActiveAssAssin 14281657 3957 "so whats everyone up to"
57 +Phatboy 13012040 3896 "16 - 32 - 64 - 128 - 256 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 etc."
58 +Tartarusspawn 1362755 3483 "anyone wanna help thi guy"
59 Bebop[DXF] 1474226 3393 "ok i gotta go download the Opera mod"
60 @Pieman 1883869 3342 "It can read your mind, and just when you think 'Ohh, I haven't ..."
61 @Bliah 862661 3019 "Month of mindless clicking :("
62 +rIK 1062 2641 "can`t beleiev you do that to your mum!"
63 @munch 1883 2589 "have you ever been diagnosed with split personality ? :)"
64 +Collins 1034 2455 "it's just my auto language-selector, damn it :)"
65 +BlackPanther 1180 2329 "I dont have a joystick and i can land a plane withing 60 yards"
66 +Liquid_Snake 180 2229 "its more than a computer"
67 Hao_Niu-rou 930 2229 "how do i regester? lol"
68 Geist 664 2146 "and asteroid belt is even better"
69 +buttawippo 1648 2128 "have you tried merciless?"
70 +Ghargoil 182 2110 "Though, it's better than 80% of its competition"
71 +Zestionmark 762 1982 "you fellas wouldnt happen to know where derian is?"
72 +Rigel 842 1847 "well... ciao. I will be back later.... looking for Damocles/Tinky..."
73 +The_lone1 930 1837 "***Encryption Key Accepted***"
74 MCGOO 1116 1768 "with the same hostmask"
75 +fomse 538 1689 "yeah, the cool emotions"
76 @DarthBane 939 1689 "btw, the telefragged server is quieter than it is here....."
77 SirSmokes 875 1491 "i just dont care for them, to wierd for me"
78 @Jay 991 1449 "whats been happnin lately then?"
79 +PaulDentonClone 105 1443 "you think that on a cable there are 3 little ide connectors. ..."
80 +panic 325 1431 "hey beavis... is this your senior year?"
81 +Gartog 859 1355 "I will go before sombody gets hurt"
82 +Drevlin 450 1309 "but they are to big to auctally fit into a room that has any ..."
83 YicklePigeon 391 1256 "y'know, I use a really old version of GetRight, one without ..."
84 +kattana 395 1256 "who you calling humans? thinking be fun"
85 +Zurios 596 1247 "and you cant kill me :P"
86 Dark[NSF] 404 1177 "by my experience..... no"
87 @Faceless 374 1160 "I like the Thank-You song"
88 +Melkor 357 1133 "u playing any games?"
89 +GeneralJoey 398 1122 "Me: "What? I don't have your dog.""
90 +nicebutdim 842 1098 "your spamming my status with ping-0-meters"
91 Candyman 225 1087 "Cheers... great show."
92 bilston 540 1034 "soz wasnt listeing :)"
93 +telephed2600 231 1027 "but you can still call her on the phone comp, get to know ..."
94 UberTech 167 1017 "gonna try taking out the mover now. if I vanish you know ..."
95 +Dalus 169 1000 "Well I mean, that guy Steve Tack has a model of a chaingun ..."
96 +Mono 79 970 "wonder how long that would take"
97 Heimdale 715 964 "there is an english section"
98 @matts 625 871 "jered, I can get his host name now"
99 Mr_Tellurian 0 861 "many of them cut their imports"
100 @Gwog 355 846 "Later all"

Those who didn't reach the Top 100
+KookieM (816) +tele2ph6ed00 (815) +Wiss (810) +Energyzr (803) +Quaddi (801) +Scozzy (788) +uliginous (787)
Jonas (776) +Face (751) shurcool (741) +SecludedMemory (727) @EdGann (719) +Eberon (619) +RZU (611)
blueneptune (600) +GreatAroo (590) dap[TA] (574) +SymGeosis (572) +Alvind (572) +Swimp (553) +Markus (553)
mr_sillio (550) +Tnatrix[DXZ] (540) +IncaWarrior (535) +[M]AussieFella (534) +WhiteTiger (511) [DeX] (502) +craig` (478)

The other 1668 nicks didn't have much to say...

Personal stats

1  carone
Country: Germany
Last talked: Today 18:46
Visits: 973
Status: Operator
Lines: 184419
Active days: 1711/2029
Average lines per day: 108
Average letters per line: 17,4
Opped people 198 times
Has kicked out 503 people
Received a kicking 45 times
Number of descriptions: 19238
Topics set: 156
CAPS ratio: 3,1%
Question ratio: 9,5%
Exclamation ratio: 9,0%
Chatkills: 39
Number of nicks used: 563
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.5- 22.5-  
2 Jim
Country: United States
Last talked: Today 18:47
Visits: 3959
Status: Operator
Lines: 137941
Active days: 1636/2029
Average lines per day: 84
Average letters per line: 28,6
Opped people 812 times
Has kicked out 721 people
Received a kicking 131 times
Number of descriptions: 22642
Topics set: 275
CAPS ratio: 3,4%
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 12%
Chatkills: 49
Number of nicks used: 294
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.5- 22.5-  
3 DerianX
Country: Canada
Last talked: 3.7.2005 14:47
Visits: 3523
Status: Operator
Lines: 111264
Active days: 826/2029
Average lines per day: 135
Average letters per line: 15,4
Opped people 384 times
Has kicked out 619 people
Received a kicking 233 times
Number of descriptions: 11060
Topics set: 225
CAPS ratio: 1,3%
Question ratio: 7,8%
Exclamation ratio: 6,3%
Chatkills: 40
Number of nicks used: 668
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
6.8.2005 9:06*** DerianX has quit IRC (Magic.VA.US.StarChat.Net Apollo.TX.US.StarChat.Net)
9:07*** DerianX has joined #dxediting
9.8.2005 5:18*** DerianX has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
7:16*** DerianX has joined #dxediting
9:37*** DerianX has quit IRC (T-Rex.NL.EU.StarChat.Net Apollo.TX.US.StarChat.Net)
11:33*** DerianX has joined #dxediting
15.8.2005 23:52*** DerianX has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
23:52*** DerianX has joined #dxediting
16.8.2005 11:10*** DerianX has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
13:07*** DerianX has joined #dxediting
4 J2
Country: United States
Last talked: Today 17:57
Visits: 3938
Status: Operator
Lines: 77492
Active days: 1083/2029
Average lines per day: 72
Average letters per line: 23,4
Opped people 42 times
Has kicked out 345 people
Received a kicking 1226 times
Number of descriptions: 4549
Topics set: 34
CAPS ratio: 2,8%
Question ratio: 10%
Exclamation ratio: 8,8%
Chatkills: 38
Number of nicks used: 1190
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.5- 22.5-  
5 damocles
Country: United Kingdom
Last talked: 2.5 23:30
Visits: 1446
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 67092
Active days: 434/2029
Average lines per day: 155
Average letters per line: 31,2
Opped people 75 times
Has kicked out 574 people
Received a kicking 196 times
Number of descriptions: 6627
Topics set: 80
CAPS ratio: 0,9%
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 8,6%
Chatkills: 15
Number of nicks used: 262
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
2.5 23:30<damocles> it's because there's no leadership heirarchy
23:30<damocles> do what I do. Pull a gun on your teammates and tell them to work or you'll shoot their kneecaps out
3.5 1:27*** damocles has quit IRC (Quit: )
6 TheRenegadeMaster
Country: Australia
Last talked: 2.4 18:15
Visits: 3512
Status: Operator
Lines: 62779
Active days: 817/2029
Average lines per day: 77
Average letters per line: 25,8
Opped people 56 times
Has kicked out 21 people
Received a kicking 104 times
Number of descriptions: 2959
Topics set: 124
CAPS ratio: 1,1%
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 13%
Chatkills: 20
Number of nicks used: 710
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
2.4 18:13<TRM`> lol i like carones eiter :p
18:13<TRM`> idea*
18:14<TRM`> if x<0, x=-x... wouldnt that work?
18:14<TRM`> ya what i said :p
18:15<TRM`> hehe
2.5 2:40*** TRM has joined #dxediting
7 Hanh
Country: United States
Last talked: Today 14:22
Visits: 2718
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 57221
Active days: 1217/2029
Average lines per day: 47
Average letters per line: 30,7
Opped people 1 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Received a kicking 56 times
Number of descriptions: 5595
CAPS ratio: 2,7%
Question ratio: 7,7%
Exclamation ratio: 10%
Chatkills: 33
Number of nicks used: 269
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.5- 22.5-  
The latest lines
Today 14:20<Hagb> unfortunately episode 21 is being fickle :(
14:22<Hagb> just watch it and enjoy :P
18:15*** Hanh has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
8 zenzelezz
Country: Norway
Last talked: Today 18:47
Visits: 1637
Status: Operator
Lines: 55575
Active days: 1267/2029
Average lines per day: 44
Average letters per line: 37,5
Opped people 54 times
Has kicked out 36 people
Received a kicking 21 times
Number of descriptions: 7229
Topics set: 50
CAPS ratio: 1,7%
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 8,5%
Chatkills: 25
Number of nicks used: 28
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.5- 22.5-  
9 Weeemann
Country: United States
Last talked: 19.3 0:30
Visits: 1935
Status: Operator
Lines: 50303
Active days: 795/2029
Average lines per day: 63
Average letters per line: 28,2
Opped people 67 times
Has kicked out 224 people
Received a kicking 63 times
Number of descriptions: 4660
Topics set: 111
CAPS ratio: 1,9%
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 9,2%
Chatkills: 12
Number of nicks used: 707
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
29.4 2:50*** Weeemann has joined #dxediting
2:50*** Weeemann has quit IRC (Klingon.Qc.Ca.StarChat.Net America.NJ.US.StarChat.Net)
2:51*** Weeemann has joined #dxediting
30.4 3:48*** Weeemann has quit IRC (Client exited)
1.5 16:48*** Weeemann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
17:01*** Weeemann has joined #dxediting
17:02*** Weeemann has quit IRC (Client exited)
17:24*** Weeemann has joined #dxediting
3.5 0:43*** Weeemann has quit IRC (Client exited)
5.5 1:23*** Weeemann has joined #dxediting
10 mouse
Country: United States
Last talked: 27.8.2005 19:52
Visits: 2246
Status: Half-Operator
Lines: 46171
Active days: 796/2029
Average lines per day: 58
Average letters per line: 21,5
Opped people 2 times
Has kicked out 14 people
Received a kicking 64 times
Number of descriptions: 3214
Topics set: 1
CAPS ratio: 4,1%
Question ratio: 7,7%
Exclamation ratio: 4,2%
Chatkills: 7
Number of nicks used: 138
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
27.8.2005 19:51<mouse|> I'm willing to bet a few bucks they're pissed at us now
19:51<mouse|> gg gaza roadmap
19:52<mouse|> I personally trust israel with nukes more than our own country
28.8.2005 21:30*** mouse| has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
21:32*** mouse has joined #dxediting
21:32*** mouse is now known as mouse|
29.8.2005 2:55*** mouse|ghettofied` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
2:55*** mouse| has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
3:10*** mouse|ghettofied has joined #dxediting
4:52*** mouse has joined #dxediting

Long term statistics - six month sections

11 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
*** Total: 1.596.111 lines ***
Estimate for this section: 38860 lines.

The most active day so far has been Tuesday 22.5.2001 with a line count of 6413

1. Main page | 2. Detail stats | 3. Activity shtuff

mIRCStats v1.21 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen