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Big Numbers

Jim needs to get a better connection - joined #dxediting 3959 times during this reporting period...
Most custom quit messages
Nick percentage Sample Quote
1. zen 100 % (---)
2. Ghargoil[II] 80,0 % (---)
3. buttawippo 73,5 % (---)
4. Geist 72,7 % (---)
5. Swimp 71,6 % (---)
Jim liked showing off, giving 22642 self-descriptions.
 [14:29] * Jim has no bed
The evil guard of #dxediting was Jim who got this reputation after kicking out 721 people.
 [21:36] <CoMpUdOc> pr0n
[21:36] *** CoMpUdOc was kicked by Jeeem (it's "porno". Is "pr0n" some sort of metal alloy, or a new version of tron?)

DerianX only managed to kick 619 people.

J2 didn't get it the first time and got kicked out for 1226 times.
 [06:52] <J2> op me really quick, i need to kick myself
[22:28] *** ougvhip was kicked by DerianX (hmmm)

DerianX was close behind with 233 kicks.

Jim knew exactly what to say, mentioning "ebil" 1300 times.
shurcool almost deafened everyone in #dxediting, shouting 26% of the time!

Also ear-splittingly loud: Grub with 26% shouts!

slicer was #dxediting's op-fairy, giving out 984 ops.

carone behaved badly and got deopped 475 times.
Kent was uncertain about many things - 38% of lines contained a question.

...and the silver medal goes to shurcool - with a question ratio of 35%.

The biggest chat-killer was Jim whose final comment caused the sudden end of 49 conversations.
Following sample line ended a 7-minute conversation and was followed by 9 minutes of silence:
 [07:46] <Jim> I was dumb.
DerianX spoke the most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row 1824 times...

Kamikaze also liked talking to themself - caught on camera 978 times.

 [03:26] <carone> GOOD NIGHT
16.3.2002 0:30 - 0:33 was a busy time for #dxediting - 15 people active
Active users during this 3-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 buttawippo, MonoDEA, [DOA]BR_Denton, KaMiKaZe, Damian, Weeemann, Face, carone, pimp_jojo, Spoon, Eberon, Trystero, Xombie, TheRenegadeMaster, damocles
Malsbury wrote the longest lines - average of 98 letters per line.

Channel average on #dxediting was 27 letters.

673 net splits were detected during the reporting period - on average that is 2,32 splits per week

Most splits per day: 12 splits on 16.6.2001

Longest net split occurred on 24.7.2001 16:22 and lasted for 488 h 46 min (2 people dropped during this split)

The most people (12) dropped on 6.9.2001 22:26. This split lasted for 0 min.
#dxediting's nick flooders (they just couldn't find the right one...)
J21190 Nicks J2(55%), J2GZ(5,9%), Midashand(2,1%), lowl(2,1%), Johnny2Gunnz(2,0%), J2|CS(1,8%), J2|CoH(1,0%), J2|BF(0,9%), J2|H2(0,8%), Hawke|DeadlyModerator(0,7%), J2GZ|UT(0,6%), JayTwoGees(0,6%), j2|mxo(0,5%), Midashand|AtWork(0,4%), J2|BG2(0,4%), J2GZ|TFC(0,4%), J2GZ|D2(0,4%), J2|Aweigh(0,4%), DXEditing_User(0,4%), J2|...
TheRenegadeMaster710 Nicks TheRenegadeMaster(44%), TRM(37%), Renegade|Coding(1,4%), Renegade(0,9%), Ren0rz(0,8%), MrT(0,7%), Peanut(0,5%), DrunkenRenegade(0,4%), TRM|Coding(0,4%), Ren(0,4%), MrT|DXMP(0,3%), TRM|DXMP(0,3%), CoMp(0,3%), TRM`Assignment(0,3%), TRM`(0,3%), TRM|Busy(0,3%), deus2(0,2%), TRM|Testing(0,2%), Renegade|UT...
Trestkon708 Nicks Trestkon(70%), Trestkon|away(2,2%), Trestkon|busy(2,2%), Trestkon|sleep(1,2%), Trestkon|food(1,0%), Trestkon|Physics(0,7%), Trestkon|ChaosTheory(0,6%), Trestkon|stuff(0,5%), Trestkon|BF2(0,5%), Trestkon|BF(0,5%), Trestkon|website(0,5%), Trest|busy(0,5%), Trestkon|bed(0,4%), Trest|Physics(0,4%), Trest|BF1942(0,3%), Trest|...
Weeemann707 Nicks Weeemann(68%), Weeemann_away(9,1%), Weeenude(1,1%), Weeemann_Sleep(0,9%), Weeeman(0,8%), Weeemann_Work(0,7%), Weeemann_Education(0,6%), Weeemann_DX(0,5%), Weeemann_WorkingOut(0,5%), Weeemann_Tribes2(0,4%), Weeezer(0,4%), WeeeGoth(0,4%), Weeemann_School(0,4%), Weeemann_CS(0,3%), ^-^(0,3%...
DerianX668 Nicks DerianX(67%), DerianX|Mapping(8,7%), dxediting(5,9%), DerianX[Away](3,4%), DerianX[Busy](2,6%), DXAway(1,3%), DerianX[Mapping](1,2%), DerianX|Away(1,1%), DerianX|DXMP(0,8%), Dx(0,7%), DXMP(0,4%), DXbrb(0,4%), DeriaNudeX(0,3%), Derina(0,3%), McDerianX(0,2%), Derian(0,2%), DerianX|UpdatingWebsite(0,2%), DerianX...

Randomly-selected topics

Updated by New topic
Despot  (16.11.2000 0:25)
Stone  (18.3.2001 1:07)
"Official Fan Mission Contest | Deus EX : GOTYE | New ver of WoTgreal! http://www.w..."
Weeemann  (25.3.2001 3:10)
"Official Fan Mission Contest (Tell Weeemann If You're planing on Entering) | Deus ..."
AsylumX  (23.4.2001 6:09)
"| Help cure cancer - www.dxediting.com | ChronosWing no longer employed by ..."
Jim  (20.10.2004 18:34)
"... | slicer: http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/?t=archives&date=2004-05-21"
There were 1833 topic changes during the reporting period

Nationality stats

  Nation Lines Spoken Inhabitants
1United States 23925611554970818186391 612014 Jim(22,5%), J2(12,7%), Hanh(9,35%), ...
2Germany 6386066685023165889 186648 carone(98,8%), fomse(0,90%), Tnatrix[DXZ](0,29%)
3United Kingdom 5914583383733472825 177642 damocles(37,8%), slicer(15,9%), Pimp-Jojo(10,6%), ...
4Canada 60755309401903834318 145051 DerianX(76,7%), Trestkon(13,2%), Solid(8,55%), ...
5Norway 1328963042933143072 91996 zenzelezz(60,4%), Tranquilite(23,7%), ...
6Australia 1766327248202845909 71104 TheRenegadeMaster(88,3%), Jez(8,92%), ...
7Ireland 10825875925484 45841 Stone
8Jim's bed 136154868763612654 38773 deus
9Lithuania 59351152415698 36343 Kamikaze
10Romania 9508 12808 N_E_O

Hagb stats

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 carone  10616 "hmmm, when I check a fakebackdrop wall the flags I get say it's a mirror. :P"
2 TheRenegadeMaster  3058 "17 users in here, since when :P heh"
3 DerianX  2543 "CARONE!... nothing :P"
4 damocles  2001 "but are you halfway done with the airport :P (nag nag nag)"
5 Jim  1287 "he is whenever he's on :P"
6 mouse  868 "Read reviews first :p"
7 slicer  857 "don't blame me when you die on relog :p"
8 Stone  809 "oh man..that one was..nasty..wet...but nasty :P"
9 Tranquilite  780 "because i am a idiot who is incompetent to open it before 00:00 :P"
10 Hanh  737 "my card is in the $200 range and all it supports is an NLX case :P"

Top 10 BF1942 freaks

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 carone  937 "well.....I can't see me playing it longer than a few more hours. Always the same. ..."
2 J2  274 "BF is german for halo 2"
3 slicer  236 "Get BF1942 tomorrow :)"
4 zenzelezz  231 "yup, first game in the D-Day series (followed by Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps and ..."
5 Hanh  212 "BF1942: We've got patches bigger than some mods"
6 CoMpUdOc  203 "http://ftp.japan.ea.com/battlefield1942/Battlefield1942v1.4.exe"
7 DerianX  158 "I decided I would get R2R."
8 Jim  134 "don't ask me. BF terminology :-)"
9 deus  126 "hmmm... BF is for women"
10 Parallax  122 "Has anyone else been hosting ventrilo or somesuch. considering mine keeps going ..."

Top 10 guys talking about DX and/or editing. =)

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 Jim  2096 "sanks :-) ..does the floor texture look okay?"
2 carone  1992 "hmmm, that's a pretty cool lighting tut. Gotta read all of it later. :D"
3 Hanh  1465 "wth, these #unrealed guys are wrecking our channel, lets ban hanh"
4 DerianX  1044 "That would make him monopolygonoues."
5 damocles  981 "coding.............nah"
6 TheRenegadeMaster  861 "so what ya been up? coding?"
7 zenzelezz  838 "nope... never got far with UnrealScript =("
8 Stone  661 "yeah i know.but only as old as the sdk right?"
9 Weeemann  645 "lets just talk about editing deus ex some more, that IS what the chan is about"
10 mouse  642 "I have 104 folders in my deus ex root..... BEAT THAT, TheRenegadeMaster!"

Chat partners

(they really like talking to each other...)

1 Jimcarone
2 damoclescarone
3 DerianXcarone
4 zenzelezzcarone
5 J2Jim
6 zenzelezzJim
7 Weeemanncarone
8 HanhJim
9 J2carone
10 Hanhcarone

Most used words

Count Word Last used by At
13148 "really" Jim Yesterday 22:49
9761 "should" Jim 24.5 2:08
9642 "people" CoMpUdOc Yesterday 23:42
9260 "something" Jim 24.5 2:15
8600 "though" Jim Today 16:52
7013 "better" J2 24.5 2:15
6946 "because" zenzelezz Yesterday 23:39
6501 "Actually" deus 23.5 22:05
6302 "Anyone" carone Today 0:18
5773 "server" CoMpUdOc Yesterday 23:30

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
108032 "Hanh" carone Today 18:30
70026 "J2" carone Today 13:27
41476 "carone" zenzelezz Today 18:47
36232 "Jim" carone Today 18:30
33524 "deus" zenzelezz Today 18:46

These people talk in their own (strange) language...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample(amount)
561 Jim "moodge"(8), "perposes"(14), "bump-maps"(19), "shtink"(4), "benifit"(5), ...
326 carone "FRESSE"(17), "Darktalker"(57), "devito"(3), "olympia"(3), ...
297 damocles "marthter"(24), "unmanned"(15), "saddle"(5), "workth"(4), "katman"(3), ...
239 Weeemann "tomarow"(27), "buddie"(12), "horible"(13), "beable"(5), "sweary"(3), ...
232 zenzelezz "gewesen"(21), "daresay"(17), "tessalated"(20), "virker"(4), "puller"(3), ...
221 Hanh "Corpis"(6), "jaggies"(3), "Boulders"(5), "bizzarro"(4), "roosters"(4), ...
202 TheRenegadeMaster "untold"(5), "NikkyD"(4), "piemen"(3), "no=now"(3), "refugee"(4), ...
192 J2 "galaga"(5), "Curtis"(4), "lufias"(4), "frisco"(3), "raisons"(6), "ooorgle"(4), ...
159 mouse "darbin"(6), "roffle.txt"(28), "halfed"(4), "ROODLE"(3), "crackin"(4), ...
144 Tranquilite "accsess"(15), "*clap*"(6), "shibby"(5), "glaube"(3), "brougth"(5), ...

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample(amount)
153 Jim and zenzelezz "streight"(60), "memset"(4), "*shiver*"(8), "AdBlock"(3), "patcher"(3), ...
148 Jim and J2 "shorry"(12), "scrappers"(16), "drummer"(9), "trojen"(6), "simtower"(11), ...
134 carone and Jim "vhatcha"(59), "inshtall"(13), "Keywest"(8), "vaking"(4), "falloff"(7), ...
114 Jim and Hanh "antique"(9), "Primal"(4), "reusing"(4), "D-Link"(3), "redmeat"(3), ...
88 carone and zenzelezz "czechs"(11), "Rooney"(6), "Alonso"(5), "Slovakia"(9), "nabend"(3), ...
86 Jim and damocles "thrash"(6), "digdug"(4), "storys"(3), "thiung"(3), "gangland"(7), ...
79 J2 and Hanh "djimmy"(17), "pooned"(8), "djimbo"(5), "splitz"(4), "humvee"(4), ...
72 DerianX and damocles "releif"(4), "eighty"(4), "eekerkeep"(13), "vacant"(3), "tantrum"(3), ...
70 carone and damocles "8D~~~~"(37), "mmmmhhhh"(32), "mmmmhhhhh"(24), "manger"(10), ...
68 damocles and zenzelezz "lecturer"(11), "strstr"(4), "slated"(4), "Stacie"(3), "apathy"(3), ...

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #dxediting

At URL Nick
Today 0:28http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comics/20060527.jpgzenzio
Yesterday 21:44http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_EpaRBhtmsDespot
24.5 2:25http://www.ty.com/3_detail?id=4907Jim
22.5 14:35http://www.hlcomic.com/Hanh
21.5 1:54http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3msbIAyj_W4Hagb
19.5 20:59http://usa.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=3&l2=15&l3=148&model=3...J2
 First mentioned by Rigel on 11.6.2002.
18.5 1:25www.dxmp.net
 First mentioned by DerianX on 8.3.2003. Used 28 times.
 First mentioned by TheRenegadeMaster on 3.3.2001. Used 4 times.
17.5 11:52http://deusdiablo.com/dxt/dxtoolkit.zipGiz|Uni
16.5 22:25http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/05/10/dual_41_ghz_cores/ind...J2
15.5 22:16http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=17327JoV

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
1www.Dxediting.com 588AsylumX12.12.2000 0:33
2http://www.microsoft.com/ 358carone22.4.2001 19:19
3www.dx.org 264Jered14.11.2000 23:23
4www.deus-ex.org 241Jered14.11.2000 6:13
5http://www.carone1.de/dxediting.html 129carone18.2.2001 1:44
6www.planetdeusex.com 118Gwog12.12.2000 1:45
7www.carone1.de 87carone8.12.2000 4:17
8www.sensiva.com 72djpaul24.3.2001 20:34
9http://www.planetdeusex.com/tack/ 67carone3.3.2001 18:58
10dxe.com 63Boaz28.1.2001 16:38
11www.robertbaird.com 61robert22.3.2001 22:21
12www.bash.org 60carone3.8.2002 16:30
13http://www.planetdeusex.com/MeetingPlace/ 58DerianX18.8.2001 10:36
14http://www.geocities.com/derianx/DXMP.html 57DerianX6.5.2001 21:43
15http://balder.prohosting.com/dah88 54damocles4.12.2000 2:00
16http://www.hotornot.com 49Musician16.4.2001 18:53
17irc.gamesnet.net 44robert25.3.2001 3:16
18www.macdeusex.com 43robert10.11.2000 15:52
19http://www.jippii.co.uk/uk/games/pasiworld... 41Jered28.5.2001 0:38
20http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=EEKQAQ&k... 39damocles13.8.2001 22:58

20 random URLs
At URL First used by
23.1 23:56http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4175/1903/1600/Shot00016.jpgfender2k1
21.6.2005 12:21http://mouse.divzero.net/mirc/good_game.jpgmouse
15.6.2005 2:56http://www.cssirc.com/codes/?code=15tr-vs73r
28.5.2005 15:05http://www.guest1418ispureebil.com/Jim
17.11.2004 2:14http://www.gethappy.com/watchmore.htmlTrestkon|eating
1.12.2003 20:31http://
27.11.2003 3:40http://www.robertbaird.com/403.logrobert
16.11.2003 7:09http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=24421600...YicklePigeon
10.11.2002 4:21http://www.otterbein.edu/home/fac/dnhjhns/personal/pictures/wee...carone
21.7.2002 23:32http://www.gamers.com/i/pics/1161995.jpgDespot
20.7.2002 2:34http://www.geekissues.org/quotes/?15641damocles
8.5.2002 2:34http://www.divinerites.com/images/b_krypt1.jpgcarone
23.3.2002 19:34ftp://ftp.edgefiles.com/deus-ex.org/DXV_Crypt.zipKamikaze
18.3.2002 19:24Date.comKamikaze
19.12.2001 5:13http://www.swords-online.com/website/navigator.cgi?type=display...Jim
18.9.2001 17:10D:\Games\DeusEx\test\Classes\EMPShell.ucmouse
10.9.2001 7:03http://panic304r.com/art/panic.jpg
 Used 2 times.
20.8.2001 7:23http://www.mircx.com/cgi-bin/bots.cgiPsychoPenguin
9.8.2001 2:45http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=AENZGQ&key=FXYKrypt
27.4.2001 18:45http://www.dxsoccer.f2s.com/can1.jpg
 Used 2 times.

13643 unique URLs collected since 8.11.2000

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mIRCStats v1.21 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen